
上周, Latham School held Student Council elections 和 everyone enjoyed participating in the process.  Students in student council worked on speeches, 海报, 竞选班长, 副总统, 和财务主管.  After listening to the c和idates’ speeches, students voted for their choices for each position in a patriotic voting booth in our Schoolhouse.  …


校长的角落: Marcus 和 his first art show

All of us at Latham Centers are celebrating the incredible achievements of Marcus, who held an art show this past Friday at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod with the help of his mentor, 亚当.  There was a HUGE turnout, 和 Marcus was able to sell three paintings 和 some of his t-shirts!  马库斯后来从……


校长的角落: Reflections on our SummerTide Science Club

我们以为这很冷, windy winter day on Cape Cod was the perfect time to share memories of our summer experiential learning program. 每年夏天, the students at Latham explore Cape Cod 和 all it has to offer in our donor-funded SummerTide Program’s Science Club outings. Students learn math, science, 和 socialization skills through weekly…


校长的角落: Our students’ incredible Fall Cabaret Talent Show

在周五, we were treated to a first-ever Fall Cabaret Talent Show, inspired 和 directed by Instructor of Performing Arts 和 Wellness Sarah jane Mason. We’d like to thank Miss Sarah jane for the unbelievable talent show! The cafeteria was transformed into an amazing performing space—complete with new st年龄 curtains—和 every student stood proudly 和…


校长的角落: “Hey, That’s Cool!这个奖项颁发给暑期实习生

Interns in the Children’s Program were presented with the “Hey, That’s Cool!” Award at last week’s community meeting to honor them for all their help this summer. Congratulations to award winners Colleen Macdonald, Andrew Menard, 和 Matthew O’Sullivan! Latham Centers wishes Colleen 和 Andrew good luck back at college for their senior year 和 welcomes…


校长的角落: Appreciation at Latham School

As the end of the school year rapidly approaches, we reflect on the year 和 are inspired 和 awe-struck by the lessons our students teach us daily; the most vulnerable among us show us what appreciation means in the most empowering 和 uplifting ways. Our students go above 和 beyond to make sure not only…
